If you work, live, or are driving through Mississauga, you can now come during the winter months to join a minyan for Mincha during the lunch hour.

*The minyan is on a day-to-day basis, based on the responses received to the mincha e-mail that goes out daily. Please fill out the form below to be included in the email list.

In addition, there is the option to stay extra and learn some Torah.

Contact Info:
[email protected]
Lake City Foods
5185 General Rd. Mississauga
Dixie / Aimco 
Date & Time:
Monday-Thursday • 1:00 pm
First Name:
Last Name:
  I can commit Will try to come Cannot attend

There needs to be 11-12 people who can commit daily in order to have the minyan that day.

Cell Phone:
Please contact me if short for a tenth:
Call Text
Office Phone:
Please contact me if short for a tenth:
Home Phone:
Please contact me if short for a tenth:
Call Voicemail
Please contact me if short for a tenth:
Do you need to say Kaddish daily? Yes No
Do you have a Yartzait date during the winter? 


Please help spread the word! Print this pdf flyer and put it up in your shul so others can know about the Mincha Minyan.