Register Online

We are currently accepting application forms for the 2024-2025 school year. Please fill out ALL fields of this form. If you have any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss with us, please contact us.

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth.

If you are a returning student please click here.

CALL: 416-732-7530 TO SET UP A MEETING

Please fill out one form per child

First Name
Last Name
Hebrew Name
Date of Birth
School Name
Hebrew Reading Proficiency
None Somewhat Well
Previous Jewish Education
Yes No
Father's Name
Father's Cell Phone
Mother's Name
Mother's Cell Phone
Home Phone
Postal Code

Is the biological mother of the child Jewish?
Yes No

Is the biological father Jewish?
Yes No
If Jewish, by birth or conversion?
Jewish by birth Jewish through conversion
Rabbi or Beth Din who performed the conversion*:
Where there any adoptions in the family?
Yes No
If yes, whom?
Emergency Contact:
In case of an emergency and a parent cannot be reached, please give an alternate contact:
Relationship to Child
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone
CONFIDENTIAL: Does your child have any allergies or other medical condition we should be aware of? If yes, please describe them and indicate special precautions or care needed.

Full Payment - $600 

$590 - Sibling Discount (for the second child)
Divide tuition into 10 equal payments-charged the first of each month.

  e-Transfer to [email protected]

First Name
Last Name
Card Type
Card Number
Expiration Date
Postal Code
CVV Security Code
Please be advised that no child will be turned away due to lack of funds. Please don't hesitate to discuss with Sara Slavin payment plans or other arrangements.
As the parent(s) or legal guardian of the above child, I/we authorize any adult acting on behalf of Chabad Hebrew School to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child, I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, Chabad Hebrew School personnel will try, to the best of their ability, to communicate with me prior to such treatment.
I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all school activities, join in class and school trips on and beyond school properties and allow my child to be photographed while participating in Chabad Hebrew School activities and that these pictures may be used for marketing purposes.
I Accept

Name: Initials:

This form is an application only & does not guarantee a spot in our program. Once the application is received and reviewed, we will contact you to set up a meeting with the rabbi.

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth!